If your revenue information is in one line on your financial statements, you’re missing a lot of valuable information.
Tag: Customer Service
Phil's Profit Point 7 – The Bird Feeder
Launching a new product or service requires careful and intentional marketing strategies to build awareness.
What's the one number that can run your business?
Measuring and sharing one number can help your team to focus and dramatically improve performance.
Lessons from the Met
Retail customers want an experience, not just a product.
Phil's Profit Point 5 – Don't Waste Your Customer's Time
You can increase the number of customers by making it easier and faster for your customers to do business with you, says Phil Symchych, president of SME Business Wealth Builder.
Phil's Profit Point 4 – Your Existing Customers
Taking great care of your existing customers is more profitable (and fun) than spending thousands on trying to attract new customers.
Phil’s Profit Point 4 Podcast – Your Existing Customers
What's Your Growth Potential? Are you red-lining it?
How do you know your growth shouldn’t be 30% or more?
Phil's Profit Point #2 – Making It Easy
You can’t make it too easy or too much fun for your customers to do business with you, ever.
Coffee or Tea – A Lesson in Strategy
the milk molecules were alive and trying to swim out of her cup of coffee in globs