Customer Wealth

A few years (decades!) ago when my parents and aunt and uncle owned Clear Lake Lodge, I was left in charge as the general manager, also known as “Mom,” had to attend another commitment. This was a big responsibility in a 22-room hotel. I wanted to create a success and make a good impression on … Continue reading Customer Wealth

Talent Wealth

One of my first real jobs was as a loans officer in one of our great Canadian banks. Early on, I asked my manager, Peter, a question. “Phil,” he said, “come with me.” We walked over to the rows of manuals piled on top of the file cabinets. Peter pointed to the manuals and said, … Continue reading Talent Wealth

Welcome to this inaugural issue of The Business Wealth Builder!

After several years of writing my weekly Phil’s Profit Points and more recently, The Triple Double newsletter, I’m pleased to move on to new ideas and introduce you to this exciting Business Wealth Builder newsletter. This will provide powerful yet brief strategies and tactics to help you, the business leader, drive profitable growth in your … Continue reading Welcome to this inaugural issue of The Business Wealth Builder!